Mr. Dattatray Naamdev Kunjir
Pune, Maharashtra.
Total area: 4 acres of Irrigated land
Dattatrey Naamdev Kunjir is cultivating fruit and vegetable crops for the last 20 years. He thoroughly studies the arrival of fruits and vegetables according to the seasons and also the market rate of the Pune Agricultural Produce Market Committee.

In the current season, Kunjir planted cabbage seedlings in a one-acre area. But from the sowing stage till the harvesting, Cabbage is prone to bacterial and fungal diseases like blight, bhuri, black spots, and mildew. Similarly, there is a major outbreak of sucking insects and leaf-eating larva too. A lot of his money and efforts on chemical drugs used to go in vain. Excessive use of chemicals reduced the immunity of the crop and decreased the soil texture.

8-10 days after the seedlings were planted, Kunjir used Biofit N.P.K. and Biofit Shet 1 ltr, each mixed in 200 ltr water and spread it through the crops by drip irrigation, 2 times in 20 days. This improved the texture of the soil, increased the availability of nutrients and the cost of chemical fertilizers was also reduced by 20%. He sprayed Biofit Rapup 4 times, within 15 days. This obstructed the spread of fungal and bacterial diseases on the crop. Mr. Kunjir also sprayed Biofit Intact at an interval of 20-25 days, which caused a reduced his expenses on chemical fungicides and pesticides. During the growing stage of the crop, he sprayed Biofit Steamrich and Bio-99 at an interval of 15-20 days to attain proper crop growth and enlarged bunches.
Differences between the previous cabbage crops and Biofit Cabbage crops
Previous cabbage crops :
  • Production cost/acre: Rs.60,000
  • Average production quintal/acre: 130 quintals
  • Market rate/quintal: Rs.700 quintals
  • Total Production/Acre: Rs.91,000
  • Net profit/acre: Rs.31,000
Biofit Cabbage Peak :
  • Production cost/acre: Rs 55,000
  • Average production quintal/acre: 160 quintals
  • Market rate/quintal: Rs.850 quintalsविं
  • Total Production/Acre: Rs.1,36,000
  • Net profit/acre: Rs.81,000
Therefore, this year Mr. Kunjir earned double profit out of the cabbage crop.